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Sogetsu Ikebana is an incredibly creative art!

From throw-away branches, stones and pebbles, to vegetables and fruits… you can use all these in place of flowers.

Get some inspiration from our judges in the gallery below.

Join our Ikebana without Flowers Challenge and surprise us with your creativity!

Participation details:

Theme: Ikebana without flowers
Materials: All fresh and dried non-flower materials, and unconventional materials as per the Sogetsu curriculum

Terms and Conditions:

1. Open only to Singapore Sogetsu Association members. You may renew or subscribe as a member to be eligible.

2. Submission period: 1 to 20 June 2020. Only one submission per member is allowed.

3. Submissions will be sorted into three categories:
a) Komon to 1st grade
b) 2nd to 3rd grade
c) 4th grade to 12th course

4. One winner will be selected per category.

5. To submit your work, please email 

- A photo of your completed ikebana
- Name
- Grade
- Title of work
- Container (e.g. ceramic pot/ glass vase/ if any)
- Materials used (A gentle reminder that the use of unconventional materials are highly encouraged, but in line with Sogetsu Ikebana guidelines - artificial flowers/ leaves/ branches/ grasses etc are not allowed)
- Concept

6. Your submission (photo, name, details) will be published on our Facebook page.

7. Judges for the online competition:

- Mrs. Pandora Ip
- Mr. Bernard Tay
- Mrs. Tsng Bee Lan

8. Results will be released by the end of June.

9. The winner for each category will receive a prize.

All the best and have fun!

Inspiration Gallery

Glean some inspiration for Ikebana without Flowers from our members

Life under lockdown in Singapore, by Nguyen My Xuan (Under 12th course)
Resilience, by Mrs Valerie Tan Ai Ling (Non-teaching 3rd Grade)
Rebirth, by Tan Theong Han (4th Grade)
Create the art of your heart, by Jenny Jusuf (12th course)
Magical lamp, by Yuka Takahashi (4th grade)
Family of 3, by Hiroyo Williams (4th grade)
Graceful, by Yolanda Tarunai (4th grade)
Warm embrace, by Farah Fazrina (2nd Grade Sanyo)
Solidarity, by Evelyn Sam (2nd Grade Sanyo)
Flourishing, by Cho Cho Tan (3rd Grade)
The Secret of Nature, by Henny Sutanto (Jonin Sanyo)
Back to basics - Bliss, Chill, by Jeanie Yeo (12th course)
Balancing, by Chua Lee Hong (First 1B Jonin Somu)
In limbo, by Josephine Lau (Under 12th course)
Edible Dualism, by Wilson Wang (Under 12th course)
Blushing, by Kwan (2nd Grade Sanyo)
Safe Distancing, by Florence Koh (4th Grade)
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